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About this blog (English version)

Hi. I'm Ramon. Welcome to my blog! I was born in Jiangsu, China.

I am a medical student at Soochow University. I devote much of my daily life to studying so sometimes I can hardly find time to update my blog. When I am not studying, I prefer to stay peaceful by writing down my thoughts, trying new recipes, listening to various styles of music, and spending time with my family. I love coffee. I enjoy making coffee by myself and in different ways. I'm designing a book in which I talk about my making coffee, just for fun.

I have two cats called "あう(Ah-whoo)" and "米迦(Mikaela)". They are cute.

The owner of this site

Ramon Chen. Just call me Ramon! I'm used to writing in Chinese, and I'm still learning how to write in English well. Excuse me if you spot grammatical errors or misuse of words while reading posts that are written in English.

Feel free to send me an email: [email protected]

About rara.moe

"RARA" is a pronoun one of my high school classmates chose for me without asking for my permission. At first, I was annoyed by this. But for a reason I'll never figure out, we have been good friends after graduation. We meet at CafeMori, a coffee shop near our high school, whenever we are back in our hometown. "RARA" has become a nostalgia. "Moe(萌え)" generally means cute. It's a popular word in Japan and is also gaining popularity in China. I like it.